Africa Housing Forum

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Africa housing forum

Fostering inclusivity and resilience in housing in Africa

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Enabling Sustainable and Affordable housing in Africa

Habitat for Humanity Africa’s Housing Forum will involve practitioners and stakeholders who will come together to tackle issues, discuss solutions and promote low-cost, affordable housing as a driver of economic growth in Africa.

Registration is free for all participants.

Participants who wish to attend the forum in person will be required to cover the costs of their travel, accommodation and any other complementary expenses.

A world where everyone has a decent place to live

Tackling the housing crisis

Across the region, Habitat for Humanity partners with governments, corporations, non-profit organizations and civil society organizations to increase families’ access to housing solutions.

We help families gain access to decent and affordable housing, housing microfinance services, clean water and safe sanitation, and secure land tenure.

In a disaster-prone region like sub-Saharan Africa, we enable families to recover from catastrophes by rebuilding homes and to strengthen communities’ resilience to future disasters.

While continuing to work in rural areas, Habitat for Humanity is also committed to ensuring that cities are inclusive, safe and sustainable. Our programming is focused on efforts to address systemic issues that prevent people from having adequate, affordable and sustainable housing.

How to participate

These links will soon become active.

Please register your interest here to be the first to know when we open registration.





Highlights of the 1st Africa Housing Forum in 2022

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